Cara Membuat Lokal Area Conection di Windows 7

| Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012
Procedure of setup Local Area Connection:
  • Crete WorkGroup:
  1. Go to my computer properties.
  2. Click change settings.
  3. See
  4. Type your Computer name and WorkGroup
  5. This message will appear
  6. Restart your computer then your WorkGroup will be created.
  • Give your IP Address:
  1. Go to control panel
  2. Click Network And Internet
  3. Click Network And Sharing Center
  4. Click HomeGroup
  5. Click Advance Sharing Setting
  6. There are two types: Home to work, Public
  7. From Home to work select >Turn on Network Discovery >Turn on file and printer sharing >Turn on public folder sharing..... >Enable file sharing for device........ >Allow windows to manage.....
  8. From Public select >Turn on Network Discovery >Turn on file and printer sharing >Turn on public folder sharing..... >Enable file sharing for device........ >Turn off password protected sharing.
  9. Click change Adapter Setting (Top left side of the window)
  10. You will find this
  11. Plug your cable and then find this
  12. Now setup your IP. Right click on Local Area Connection go to properties.
  13. Double click Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Or click properties
  14. Click Use the following IP address
  15. IP address:Give your IP address
  16. Subnet mask: Just press tab it will automatically generate (Default-
  17. Click use the following DNS server address.
  18. Click ok.

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